Saturday 10 September 2016

Importance of ESD Gloves and Magazine in Different Workplaces

The modern era has successfully made the working platforms- ESD safe with the introduction of new antistatic and ESD safe products. This is increasing the business of ESD and antistatic equipment because of their brilliant technology and assurance of safeguard. Among all the latest products available or introduced, ESD gloves are the most used and effective one and is required by different employees working in different environment.

Workers of industrial units or manufacturing, regularly use gloves to maintain a good safety. Not only this, it also holds a vital position in valuing the developed device from any kind of wear and tear to scratch or fingerprint.

With the rising demand, they are made up by amalgamating different combinations of fibres and compounds, to prove their efficacy in different work platform. Some of its combinations gave rise to fabric gloves, vinyl gloves, polyester gloves, nylon gloves, nitrile gloves, leather gloves, and latex gloves.

  1. Fabric clothes are the simplest one made of cotton, or soft cloth.
  1.  Vinyl gloves, best option for employees who are sensitive to rubber or latex products. Again, the used materials are soft as well as have a baggy fit.
  1.  Polyester gloves, do multiple works because of their resistance to contraction, smoothness, and skin friendly types. Especially made with pure polyester fabric for a better fit and usage.
  1. Nylon gloves are designed skillfully to guard your hands in extreme conditions. The gloves are made professionally by using high-grade materials for longevity and flexibility. Lastly, made adequately affordable for betterment.
  1. Nitrile gloves are made of synthetic latex to save you from electrostatic charges. Are resistant to puncture, chemicals, and solvents with better properties and at affordable price.
  1. Leather ESD gloves are best for heavy-duty workplaces and are made with leather and full-carbon filament to resist spark and static charge.
  1. Latex and rubber gloves are same. These are reasonably priced, sturdy, well-fitted, high temperature resistant, comfortable and range of elasticity is high. But, has a disadvantage i.e. some workers are allergic to latex and face problem in using these gloves.  

Other than gloves many more equipment are available with the ESD Magazine to protect the work environment from potential hazards. Follow the rule, prevention is better than cure and protect both wealth and health!

Thursday 1 September 2016

ESD Glove and Magazine- Makes Your Workplace Shockproof and Protected

Starting with ESD, it means Electrostatic Discharge. It is a serious issue related to both workers and electronic equipment. In the work sphere, number of workwear industries is increasing and with that demand of safety gears and wears are also increasing. A person needs to be well equipped, to carry out work in dangerous environment. For a better work-life, different safety products are available. 

ESD Magazine

ESD Magazine

Equip-ESD is involved in the production of premium quality ESD magazines under the supervision of professional expertise and technical intelligence. The ESD products are made according to the set international standards with tested metals and materials, under the guidance of experts. The racks made from ESD magazine are used for placing electronic parts and machinery products, while proceeding towards assemblage. The racks are prepared according to the requirements of clients both on size and finish. So, the price too varies with demands and requirements. 

  • Made corrosion resistant
  • Made rough and tough
  • Very spacious for all products
  • Perfect finish
  • Robust look
  • Dimensionally specific and accurate
  • Tested and quality checked

ESD Gloves

ESD Gloves

ESD gloves are acclaimed and adopted universally in all sorts of workplace. These are designed and made compatible for the environment dealing with low contamination and particle sensitivity. The product is a result of amalgamating soft conductive fibers with synthetic fibers. The ESD gloves help you develop better skills by keeping you away from static discharge, not only this while performing the electronic parts assemblage, gloves keep away oil from body contact. 
Benefits of using gloves:

  • Safeguards different products by dissipating static charge from them;
  • Important in different work field like photographic printing, semiconductors production, electronic parts assemblage, etc.;
  • Made of single thread knitting, so lint production is minimum and works better;
  • Treatment of gloves with polyurethane coating makes gloves durable and helps your hands breathes fresh air;
  • The gloves are reusable and wash-proof;
  • Seamless construction makes the gloves more handy and easy to work. 

High-end raw material and fine fiber become the base of ESD magazine, gloves, and other products to assure longevity and durability. So, adopt them to make your workplace shockproof and protected!

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Antistatic Products, Becoming a Boon in House Protection

Electricity becomes the point of tension for individuals and industries due to the friction- ultimate cause of ESD. A house is our dwelling place, where safety and coziness becomes mandatory. One major step towards it is the implementation of an accurate electrical wiring network and it will keep you away from different issues like lighting, short-circuiting, damping, etc. Hence, acceptance of Nikko Rack and trolley will work as a boon in keeping your house safe.  

When you hire an engineer or architect to plan your house or remodel it, the first point is to ask them about fabricating the wirings and circuits. While proceeding with the electrical circuit wiring, do not hesitate in spending money or else later you have to face hazardous situations. Ask the workers to use antistatic trolley while performing the task and this will avoid any damage to the electrical and electronic household and kitchen appliances as well as the surrounding. Assemble the best gears, wires, and gadgets for your house to surpass the electrical surges. 

Below are some points to follow, to prevent the house from any electrical and electronics malfunction. Note them down:

• Avoid electric shocks by keeping the appliances systematically and never touching the outlet or parts with naked feet or wet hands and feet.  
• Do not overburden with too many appliance inputs in the electrical outlets.
• Make sure of regular wiring check.
• Ask the engineers to use ESD garments or gloves, shoes, and antistatic furniture like antistatic trolley, while carrying out the wiring.
• If attempting some small repairs make use of ESD gloves and antistatic furniture. 

If you desire to make your house the best place to live in, make sure you install branded and electrically safe appliances or gadgets. Take advantage of the expert electrical engineers or best electrical technician available in your periphery, they can assist in perfect connectivity and make your house hazard-free. Lastly, ask them to thoroughly check all the connections before switching on the main line.

Friday 29 July 2016

ESD Products: A Necessity for the Advancement of Industries

The field of electronics has exposed itself in a huge amount as well as has become a part and parcel of our lives as we can see that no matter where we go we can find electronic based devices around us. With the rate of progress in the field of electronic gadgets, we can conclude that our next generation is going to have the privilege of using better, robust and faster gadgets.

The only thing, to get access to the latest version of any technology and product, is that you just have to pay a bit more. However, chances of system crashing increases when we choose the newest version of technology and this may not happen all the time, but the probability is high. This is not regular, still if it happens, what are the reasons to such system crashing issues and what are the exact ways to overcome such situations. A major cause of electronic failure issue is creation of ESD and solution is acceptance of ESD magazine and ESD products rather than using ordinary ones especially in the field of electronics.

ESD is Hazardous

In simple ESD can be described as a flow of momentary electric current between two different electronic products having different electrical potentials. The flow of ESD can cause working issues with components, disturbance in electronic equipment, malfunctioning, shorten the span of devices, and can also intensify a small issue to big one, in the presence of explosive items.  This can result in loss of wealth and life. It can harm the controlling system, industrial-automation system, consumer electronics, and other applications too. This raises an emergence of ESD products like ESDgloves, garments, furniture, etc. in the industrial ventures.

Why choose ESD products for protection?

ESD discharge generates very easily anytime and anywhere, if the damage caused to your product by ESD is in the initial stage, then it can also easily pass through the testing procedure. This becomes a huge problem as it becomes difficult to locate the issue and damage. But, now coping up with such issue is made easy with the excellent solution of ESD magazine, products, attire, shoes and furniture. These products make your environment safe and static-free by enhancing the working period and performance level of your electronic equipment.

Saturday 16 July 2016

An Introductory Related to Electrostatic Damage

The full form of ESD is electrostatic discharge, this type of charge produce when two distinct objects come in close contact with each other and initiates electron leaping. We know nucleus forms the core of atoms or molecules and in some cases; they are so powerful that they cause the electron shifting due to which the entire process of electrostatic discharge starts to occur. Never underestimate this phenomenon because its effect causes a malfunction in electrical and electronic systems, losing of data and sometimes the effect is fatal.

It is better to have products that are built capable enough to continue to operate perfectly when with the manufacturers and later at the performing site. One can also adopt the perfectly made ESD equipment for a safe environment. Some of the equipment crucially made to avoid workplace hazard are antistatic trolley, ESD gloves, shoes, shield roll, magazine rack, Nikko rack, ionizing air blower and garments.

Scope of Damage by Electrostatic Discharge

In constructional areas and industries, the errand caused by ESD takes place above the ground and when a typical ESD event sends several amperes of current is sent to the products driven by thousands of volts, resulting in a huge amount of loss. The effect of ESD on circuits induces a problem in testing equipment. From this, we can assume the harmful effects in the industries. ESD losses include solid state electronics component loss and effect on the environments.

If we keep on avoiding the sorts of electrostatic damage, we can protect the entire industry and the surrounding from all types of problems. Acceptance of more ESD products in the workplace like antistatic trolley, shelves, carts, cabinets, chairs, and workbench will be a better choice of furniture rather than opting for the casual set.

The demand of the period is having fully furnished workplace with ESD furniture and garments for the workers will build an electrostatic damage surrounding. Equip-ESD is among the manufacturers, excelling in their work with detailed work, stylish appearance, and globally accepted standards. So, join your hand in building a safer world.

Friday 1 July 2016

ESD Gloves Stands Best for Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Globalization influenced the modern era to eradicate outdated methods and adopt advanced technologies. All the industries are proposing new applications to help grow their empire and support the manpower for better skills and efficiency. In an industry or constructional site, a worker is the most important asset and a company’s responsibility is to provide them with the safest environment to work around. To satisfy the employee different electrostatic discharge (ESD) or anti-static equipment is found and adopted. This also keeps workers and the work domain safe from particle sensitive and low-contaminate environments.

Among them most commonly used equipment is ESD gloves, these are made by amalgamating different substances like synthetic and soft conductive fibers. The combinations of different fibers help you prevent any kind of damage from static discharge.

Use of ESD Gloves:

  • To design, precision instruments, maneuvering sensitive films, and built different electronic components.
  • Used in the fields like aerospace engineering, and optics.
  • It is also a part of the petrochemical industry as well as telecom industries.
  • Keeps away oil from contact with the skin while working with circuit boards.

The protective gloves are made up with different blends for different usage, so choose the correct one for your industry:

  • Anti-static nylon or conductive gloves are mostly used in the automotive and electronic industry, paint line, food and part assemblage industry. Its specialty, it is made of dust-free nylon and have some carbon filament, the palm and fingers are coated with polyurethane. The stitched gloves are made seamless and non-slippery.

  • Gloves made from polyester is called anti-static polyester and have become an important part of pharmaceutical and biotech industries, and used in electronic assembly to prevent static charge deposition  and in these cases, different ESD magazine racks are also used to maintain electronic safety.

  • Anti-static leather gloves are made with a full-carbon filament which minimizes the chances of sparks and is good for heavy-duty work. These are used in industries like welding operation, mining, material handling, steel industries, gas workers, etc.                              

The designed equipment helps in concentrating on doing work precisely and more sensibly without the tension of shock and other injuries. The industries know that prevention is better than cure, so adopting latest technologies for betterment. 

Monday 30 May 2016

The Performance of Antistatic Trolley and Nikko Rack

In the modern era, the science and technology has a great progress. There is various kinds of devices are invented by the professionals and experts for the use and safety of human being. When it comes up for the safety from electrostatic charge, you should more conscious about it as it is the question of life risk. Now-a-days many antistatic devices are invented for use; you can take an example of Antistatic Trolley. Trolley normally occurred applicable to all walks of life, but an ordinary trolley with some special antistatic agent is something different.

The basic difference between the antistatic and an ordinary trolley, in an ordinary trolley when there is some antistatic function existing and it capable to eliminate the electrostatic charge then we can say it as an Antistatic Trolley. As everybody knows, an antistatic agent is a compound used to reduce the build-up of static charge. Antistatic agent plays a significant role to make the surface itself conductive. It normally absorbs the moisture from the air.

Characteristics of Antistatic Trolley:

  1. Its layer board is made of composite anti-static materials and wooden materials. Static charges can easily release into the earth.
  2. The layer board of this trolley needs to cover anti-static pad through which static charge can release.
  3. This kind of special designed trolley can be used in various places, including electronics, instrument factory, production assembly line, precision lab, physics lab, etc.
  4. You can use it as a transportation purpose that even prevents from the unexpected electrostatic charge.
  5. You can use even use the antistatic stainless steel trolley for purifying workshop after the installation of the antistatic at the bottom of the antistatic caster wheel.
  6. This modern, adjustable antistatic trolley is intended for the protected transport and capacity of SMD reels.

Nikko rack: Nikko rack is highly security based product, designed for fully automated assembly lines. The main feature of the Nikko magazine is the “Pinion Gear Assembly” which has guaranteed width quick smooth adjustment. The flexibility of the racks is specially used in loading/unloading PCBs in automatic Test, Placement, Inspection and Solder lines. 

Nikko Racks can increase the efficiency of the setup procedure. There is various sizes are available as per your requirement. It’s made up of plastic and aluminum has light weight for simple transportation.